Frog™ Sanitation System
Continuous sanitation system
The Frog sanitization system is bromine-based and is formulated to work effectively in warm water. The system is integrated into the spa shell where it operates in a continuous manner.
Instead of measuring chemicals, simply replace the cartridge which lasts for weeks or months. The cartridge has a dial that is adjustable depending on how often the spa is used. Bromine is less harmful to the skin, meaning the FROG system requires fewer chemicals, making it easier to use the spa as often as you want. Combine Frog Toilet System Cartridges with the optional FreshWater ® III Ozone System for more effective spa water treatment Hot Spring. Additionally, the simplicity of the FROG system allows for easy and convenient maintenance while providing a healthier and more enjoyable spa experience.
– Kills bacteria using 75% less chlorine than traditional methods
– Kills bacteria in two ways with chlorine and silver
– Reduces shock to just once a month
– SmartChlor cartridges last up to four weeks, depending on usage
– Mineral cartridges last up to four months or whenever you drain your spa
– Tiras de teste simples e of uma cor facilitam a leitura dos níveis de cloro
– No chlorine smell or faded swimwear
– No need for daily or weekly maintenance